What does the proposal include?

    The Department of Resources is proposing to create and give a name to the new locality of Keswick Island.

    Where did the name suggestion come from?

    On 10 July 2023,  the Department of Resources received correspondence from Mackay Regional Council (the council) raising the issue of Keswick Island not having an official locality. The suggestion was made by the council after it was approached by the local community. Residents on the island are experiencing addressing issues and the council requested that the Department of Resources investigate options for gazetting a locality for Keswick Island.

    Why does the area need a locality?

    Localities are administrative boundaries that are essential for the creation of valid addresses that can be uniquely and clearly identified.

    Valid addresses are critical to ensure the timely and accurate provision of services, such as postal and emergency services.

    What would be the change impact of residents and businesses in the area?

    By creating an official locality, all residents and businesses on Keswick Island will be able to provide organisations with a valid address that will be searchable on the Queensland address and geocode checker.

    How will I know if the proposal is accepted and my address is changing?

    The Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals will make a final decision on the proposal after considering all of the issues raised during the public consultation process. Updates to the following web content will increase awareness and information on the decision including:

    • Engagement HQ (EHQ) consultation page with all detailed content
    • Current place name proposals/decisions web page will link to EHQ page
    • Resources home page will include a feature tile linking to EHQ page

    Additionally, if you would like to receive notification of the decision via email, you may request one through your submission. 

    You can also keep up to date once a decision has been reached on the Land Queensland Facebook and LinkedIn page. 

    How are places named?

    Consistent and accurate place names are the basis of a number of vital activities, including map production, communication services, population censuses and statistics, and emergency services.

    Because of this, Queensland follows strict place naming guidelines and processes. Place naming is primarily the responsibility of the Department of Resources which administers the Place Names Act 1994.

    Learn more through this step-by-step guide. (Suggesting a place name or boundary change | Environment, land and water | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)

    Place Names are also playing an increasing role in the recognition of Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander People’s culture and history.

    Why should I get involved?

    Your feedback helps the Department of Resources to ensure that any change will reflect the expectation of interested parties.

    Who can I contact if I want to discuss further?

    Please contact the Department of Resources via email at QldPlaceNames@resources.qld.gov.au

    Alternatively, call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or visit resources.qld.gov.au for more information.